Czym się wyróżnia herbata gruzińska?

What makes Georgian tea special?

Georgian loose leaf tea is mainly black and green tea, but also white, yellow, oolong tea and herbal teas based on mint and thyme, as well as bilberry leaves, famous in Georgia. Tea from Georgia is one of the most important symbols of the country's culture and traditions. There are certain features that distinguish it from other teas:

  • Unique taste: Georgian loose leaf tea has a rich flavor that is both bold and delicate. Georgian green teas usually have a honey essence with a hint of roasted nut, while black teas are known for their wine-raisin sweetness. Georgian teas are distinguished by their variety of leaves and flavor. Georgia
  • Ideal conditions for growing tea: These include: the number of sunny days, fertile soil, amount of rainfall and natural irrigation of the plantation (e.g. mountain streams and watercourses) and temperatures, as well as long and frosty winters. Day and night temperature fluctuations cause the release of aromatic substances in delicate sprouts. Slow growth due to dormancy creates a high polyphenol content and gives Georgian teas unique organoleptic properties. This makes Georgian tea stand out from the products of other countries.
  • Natural and ecological: In Georgia, there are all conditions for the production of ecologically pure tea. Due to the lack of plant diseases, no pesticides are used.
  • Traditional production methods: Tea in Georgia is mainly produced in a traditional way, taking into account ancient methods of cultivation, harvesting and processing. Many manufacturers do not use machines and do most of the work by hand. In the vast majority of cases, no artificial flavors or colors are added to tea.
  • Unique fermentation process: One of the things that sets Georgian tea apart is their unique fermentation process, which is sometimes longer than other teas. This gives the tea a deeper flavor and distinctive character.
  • High quality: Georgian tea is appreciated for its high quality and rich taste. Georgians are proud of their tea and care about its quality, using only the best leaves and following old traditions in the production process.
  • Large selection of flavors and varieties: There are many varieties of tea in Georgia, both single and mixed (so-called blends), which offer a variety of flavors and aromas. Georgians are committed to experimenting with different flavors and compositions of tea.
  • Culture and tradition: Georgian tea plays an important role in Georgian culture and ceremonial rites. Drinking tea is an integral part of hospitality and socializing in Georgia.
  • Wild-growing shrubs: Georgian leaf tea stands out from other teas also because of its wild-growing Georgian shrubs, which are unique in the world. These are former Soviet-era plantations that were abandoned for 30-50 years. During this time, nature took care of the plants and created a unique ecosystem. The soil is enriched by forests and mountain water while the tea bushes are naturally shaded by tall trees. These conditions give this tea a unique aroma and unique chemical content not found in other teas due to the high pigment content from the natural shade of the forest.
  • Fresh: Georgia is closest to the main tea-consuming countries, including Poland, which makes it possible to deliver the product to the market while maintaining its aroma and freshness, which is a tangible advantage over competing teas from other regions of the world.

  • Appreciated around the world: Interest in Georgian teas, foreign and domestic, is constantly growing. Thanks to ecological production, Georgian teas reach higher product shelves and are gaining more and more recognition around the world. In 1899/1900, Georgian tea won a gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris. In 2016, wild black tea won several awards at the Tea Masters Cup International in Seoul for the best aroma, intense flavor and best aftertaste.
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